The 3-Month Individual Coaching Program for Senior Leaders
You’ve been at the same company for years and you think you’re ready for something new… but you don’t know what that is.
Up until now you’ve been climbing and growing within your company, in a variety of roles where you’ve experienced great success and increasing responsibility, but recently, something has changed.
You’ve noticed that:
Opportunities are fewer and farther between and you’re not being chosen for them
You’re not interested in the career progression you see (outward pressure to be CFO or CEO, continuing up the technical ladder, going down the management track, etc.)
You’re retreading the same territory you have for years, only now with diminished returns of learning and growth
Your skills and talents are underutilized and it’s not clear how you fit into the organization
You’ve moved around within the company but nothing has felt like a good fit, so you’re feeling disconnected, unmotivated, disengaged, and stagnant
(And if you’re honest… you’re complaining more than you’d like.)
This might not be as much of a problem if you could articulate what needs to change and why, but you can’t actually identify what you want as it relates to your career.
You don’t know the kinds of challenges that would help you continue to grow professionally.
You just know this isn’t it.
Now, complicating matters further is the fact that you’re risk-averse and highly compensated in your current role so there’s plenty of inertia.
You’ve become quite accustomed to your salary, the benefits, and the convenience of staying where you are. It feels scary to make a change as you’ve invested a lot of time at the company and are wary of thinking that the grass is greener somewhere else. You’re more worried about all the things you would have to give up (obviously there’s a reason you’ve stayed all these years!) and it’s impractical to chuck it all for something new that you might not like.
Not to mention that your confidence is low after being in one environment for so long.
You might not even know what your job description is or how to explain what you do. You’re a big fish in a small pond. Are you even as great as you think you are? Not only are you not fully confident you're marketable with other companies, but you worry you’ll be seen as a fraud if you continue in your profession outside your company.
And on top of the fact that you feel your skills and resume are inadequate to look for a new job… you also have no idea what you want to do!
So you’re trapped between a place where you don’t feel appreciated or valued and a place where you’re unable to describe what you’re good at and how your skills translate outside the company you’re already in.
No wonder you feel stuck.
Cue the predictable situations where you:
Show up directionless and flailing in a half-baked search for a new job
Struggle to answer what you want to do next in development conversations
Find yourself with opportunities at your fingertips but have no idea if they’ll scratch your itch
Allow others’ expectations to influence your decisions
Spend a lot of time questioning the path you’re on, giving attention to "what-if" scenarios, and comparing yourself to others
Your resignation letter sits ready to go as it has many times before when you’ve been at the edge of the cliff.
Change continues to happen around you as you’re swept along, relinquishing all control of your ship.
You’re on a collision course and destined to keep repeating the same thought patterns. You may end up breaking the cycle, but in a much more dramatic and painful way than you’d like.
Stuck in a repeating pattern.
Unclear about what direction you want to be moving in.
Unsure how to get clarity.
Here’s what this might look like in your life.
Beat yourself up for being behind because you have no idea what your own definition of success is
Look for the right direction but feel confused when you think about what job would best suit you
Feel constrained by your prior experience because you don’t know how to translate your strengths
Discount your leadership because your strengths don’t look like the stereotypical male and white version of leadership
Look at jobs on LinkedIn and save options but never end up applying
Get more confused about what you want and what to call what you do
Approach career conversations with dread (and avoid your network!) because you have no idea what you’re looking for
Go back to your current work because you don’t have another option
Try to avoid the day when you leave in a blaze of glory
You don’t want to stay on this path because you’re scared of leaving it. You know that the longer you stay, the harder it will be to change course. And while floating in the same comfortable place is easy, it’s also sucking a lot of time and energy from your life. You want to stop being afraid of letting go of the known and start embracing the unknowns of a role/company that might be better suited to you.
Ultimately, you want to answer this question, once and for all:
“What does job satisfaction look like for me and can I cultivate it at my current company?”
And then you can make a confident choice that works for YOU.
You can re-engage and stay for the right reasons, or choose to leave knowing why it’s the right next step.
So here’s the thing, if you had the right tools and frameworks to answer this question, you could:
Make deliberate choices and do the right thing for YOU
Find your agency to navigate the systemic barriers in the workplace in a way that feels safe and authentic to you
Assess opportunities and make decisions with confidence (with zero regrets, waffling, or second-guessing!)
Choose a direction that feels coherent with your current phase of life and priorities
Move forward with a purpose that’s in alignment with your values
Share your strengths, what you want, and where you’re headed in any career conversation
Feel excitement and energy about your future
Here’s what your life is about to look like.
Are totally free of the illusion that it’s best to stay in your current job OR you’re completely re-engaged and showing up refreshed and refocused where you are
Leave career conversations feeling even more confident because you’re so damn effective at articulating your story
Unapologetically prioritize the important things in life because you’re crystal clear about your own definition of success
Show up powerfully in your communication and your leadership at work
Cultivate opportunities to grow with every career conversation you have
Avoid getting distracted by shiny jobs that aren’t a good fit for you
Feel so damn confident about your skills and abilities and know that you’ve got a life filled with options
Make a CLEAR and CONFIDENT decision.
Move forward with purpose.
This is a 12-week career coaching program for senior leaders that will help you get CLARITY about what you want to do next and why. You will be able to clearly COMMUNICATE that vision to leadership and your network, and create the framework you need to CONFIDENTLY MAKE DECISIONS.
I know what is important now, and it's easier to pull back and evaluate my current state based on what’s important to me.
The Facebook recruiter asked me what I needed in a job environment and it was so easy to answer that question.
I got caught in doing what I thought was “right” instead of what was right for me.
I am not trying to escape something that’s been less than ideal, I am making decisions based on where my strengths are and what fuels me.
I now feel so much excitement and clarity about where I’m going and who I am.
I’ve regained a sense of what drives me and it turns out that what drives me feels super authentic and well-grounded.
I feel the sense of overwhelm receding.
Before, conversations about career paths made me feel disorganized and aimless. I can now communicate the kinds of challenges and working environments I’m looking for.
While no job opportunity will be perfect, even if it appears so on the surface, I can use the tools I’ve developed to advocate for myself and not settle for something.
I’ve gotten so much better at advocating for myself and asking for what I want/need, not only with my boss but with others as well.
People used to ask "well, what do you want to do?" and I knew I wanted a change but didn't know how to explain it. Now I've got a new vocabulary for my strengths, what I want and what I don't want.
I went from operating from a place of stress, low self-worth, and low confidence because I didn't have what I considered a "sexy" resume, to a place where I am confident in my own abilities
I loved that the work we did together made me see value in myself. It made me a bolder, stronger human. Working with Lindsay has made me a stronger person who can talk about what I want next.
I definitely trust my abilities and professional experience in new ways.
With these learnings, I have a new sense of purpose and motivation to go out and achieve the big things I’ve had in mind for years.
I’ve learned I have strengths that will be valuable in other careers, fields, and jobs.
I overcame the obstacle of worrying about what other people would think when I made a change
Career conversations are building my confidence! I keep hearing the same things from people who know me and it's affirming to also hear them from people who don't know me
Do I need to leave my company to be happy?
It depends! Some people find that leaving is the best next step for them. I’m also amazed by how many people (more than 50%!) gain a new perspective once they’re clear and confident and CHOOSE to stay. The secret is finding out what the right answer is for YOU.
How much energy do I need to dedicate to this process?
It’s true, this process is a lot of work and it’s hard! AND what you’ll get is unshakeable confidence, clarity, and a decision that is right for you. The program is highly structured and you’ll regain energy with every exercise.
This sounds like magic…how does it work?
It is magic…and frameworks. Though let’s be real, frameworks are magic *swoon*. I’ve created and curated a selection of exercises that will get you incredibly clear about what’s right for you so you can make confident decisions.
Will it work for my field/industry?
Yes! I’ve worked with architects, lawyers, engineers, clothing designers, university administrators, literary editors, project managers, copy editors, marketers, health professionals, and more.
I’ve changed jobs X times and I’m still unhappy. How will this be any different?
I bet that if we look at why you were unhappy in your previous roles, we’d find consistent themes of what wasn’t working. It might be the environment or misalignment with your strengths or values. This program is different because it gives you a framework to know WHY you aren't fulfilled. We uncover what wasn’t working in previous roles so you can build a framework for fulfillment in your next step.
What does it feel like to communicate effectively and make decisions with confidence?
Ah yes, the ultimate feeling. Here’s one client’s experience. “The Facebook recruiter asked me what I needed in a job environment and it was so easy to answer that question.” Do you know what that’s missing?!? Feeling flustered. Bumbling around for an answer. Getting pulled into the shiny thing. People pleasing. Saying “I’LL DO ANYTHING, GIVE ME THE JOB”. The whirlwind of self-doubt. The existential crisis. (And the list goes on.) Another client was asked if he wanted his boss' job when she left. Within about 30 seconds he calmly assessed for himself that it wasn’t the right fit for xyz reasons. He was so confused by the feeling of calm and confidence that he asked me if he was doing it right!
This is RIGHT for you if you:
Can’t get enough of frameworks and exercises. Every decision you make in life starts off as a spreadsheet
Want the right prompts, encouragement, and accountability to find clarity and confidence
Are jazzed about getting tools to help understand yourself
Know it’s not about finding the perfect job, it’s about understanding what you want so you can explain it to yourself and others
Can’t wait to close the doors on years of waffling to regain peace of mind
This is NOT RIGHT for you if you:
Are looking for tactical support with your job search strategy
Want to identify specific career paths with someone that has industry-specific knowledge
Are looking for someone to tell you what to do and what decision to make (I’m sure you have enough of those people in your life!)
Need help making a job transition
Clients before:
“I make decisions based on what I think I should do instead of what I want to do.”
“I want a more concrete way to think about which jobs could be a good fit. I tend to oscillate between no job looks appealing and every job looks appealing. To me, this is an indication that I have no idea what I’m looking for in a new position.”
“I’d like to let go of the idea that my career must follow a traditional path and be open to something completely different instead of worrying about how it might screw me up in the future.”
“I want to get a sense of control over the direction I’m moving. I want to feel like I’ve turned on a flashlight on a dark, foggy trail.”
Clients after:
“I make decisions about my career intentionally. I’ve learned to be more aware of the decisions I make and why I make them.”
“I’m confident in my ability to make decisions without regret or second-guessing.”
“I’m confident in my own abilities and know my own values so I’m looking for opportunities that fit me.”
“I can communicate the kinds of challenges and working environments I’m looking for.”
“I’ve created career objectives that I’ve shared with others so people around me can help explore and identify opportunities.”
How many more years are you going to tolerate your current situation?
How many more awkward conversations are you going to endure with your leadership where you can’t explain what you want?
How many more decisions are you going to make based on what everyone else thinks?
It’s time to stop doing what you think is “right” in your career and start doing what’s right for you.